(10... Be7 {is also possible but I think 10.... g5 is more accurate since White Bishop is shut down
temporarily at g3})
11. Bg3 Qc7
(11... Nd7)
12. f3 Nd7 13. Bf2 Nc5 14. Bxc5dxc5 15. b3 Rd8
{this move is probably a slight inaccuracy since it drives
White's Queen onto an attacking position on e3, eyeing Black's c5 Pawn with
possible combine threat of Nc3 to a4 later}
16. Qe3 a6 17. a4 b6 18. Ng3 h5 19.O-O
({Pawn g5 is poisoned. After 19. Qxg5?? Bh6 20. Qf6 Bd2+ 21. Ke2 Rh6 22.
Qg7 Rg6 23. Qh8+ Ke7 24. Qxh5 Bxc3 {winning a piece})
19... g4 20. Nf5
({Much better and difficult to see is the retreating move} 20. Qf2)
holding the position with White pawn on f5 will be surrounded and
no access for the White King to get activated due to e-File being cut-off by
Black's Rook})
(46. Rb8! {should be a draw after} Rxg2 47. Kxh5 g3 48. Rb7+ Kf8 49. Kg4 Rf2 50. Kxg3
46... Rxg2 {Diagram # Suddenly White is in Zugzwang !!}
47. Rh7+ (47. Rh6 is the last trap which fails to Rh2+ (Of course 47... Kxh6?? {stalemate}) 48. Kxg4 Rxh6)
47... Kxh7 {White resigned.Overall this is not a perfect Game but considering the game was played under
45 minutes Time Control it is still one big achievement for me in my chess career.}