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My personal opinion is that, I believe 44. Qh4+!! is a brilliant finishing touch
In this game, I may had missed the finess 26.Bg5 and played 26.Bxh6 which in respond, answered with the best defence 26...Qh4!. However, 27.Bg7++!! (double checks) is in my opinion, a master class move.
There is one more (in my opininion) a brilliant game. But, I want to refrain myself from publishing it because, that specific line was intended to be used against someone who I had been aiming to unleash that specific opening surprise.
Than the other brilliant game, though only leads to a draw, is something quite extra ordinary. With 27.Nd7!? sacrificing the Queen despite temporarily, it leads to a very balance ending which I agreed for a draw later.
And.. the last one is my worst game (despite winning in the end). How could I simply miscalculated and played one piece down. Fortunately for me, beginning with 26... Bd4 followed by 27...Ra8 and the quite amazing 27...Rc3!?.. my oppnent was in a great state of shock. When the b-pawn is pushed 32...b3 and 34...b2 White is lost
copyright (c) to Rizal Ahmad Kamal 2012
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