Thursday, February 12, 2009

Reshevsky and I are the only ones in America who try (to earn a living from chess). We don't make much. The other masters have outside jobs. Like Rossolimo, he drives a cab. Evans, he works for the movies. The Russians, they get money from the government. We have to depend on tournament prizes. And they're lousy. Maybe a couple hundred bucks. Millionaires back this game, but they're all cheap. Look what they do for golf: thirty thousand dollars for a tournament is nothing. But for chess they give a thousand or two and they think it's a big deal. The tournament has to be named after them, everybody has to bow down to them, play when they want, everything for a couple thousand dollars which is nothing to them anyhow. They take it off their income tax. These people are cheap. It's ridiculous." -- Bobby Fischer

Hmmh..(thinking), maybe our Fischer's comment on USA's people / organiser/sponsor of chess in 60's are very much the same with our current situation. Just a food for thought. (Sorry Azizul.. taking the picture from your website, heh heh heh)

1 comment:

iiumchessmaster said...

doesn't matter... keep your blog updated, k...